Sunday, November 11, 2012


Most people wouldn't say they love London for the sunsets...but I would rank them up there with my favorites in the world :-)

Monday, November 5, 2012

The little things...

I haven't had much excitement to share has been enjoyably quiet :-)  The next few weeks will provide increased entertainment so I promise more blogs soon.  In the meantime...something that have made me smile:

* The gypsies are moving in...yup, the radiator factory is now in a court battle to prevent the gypsies from settling in the park next door (doesn't this mean they're no longer gypsies then?!)  The real problem? the gypsy horses keep getting lose in the pallet yard...

* The owner of the parent company of the factory was put in jail yesterday (even longer story)...and the "townsfolk" were so upset by this fact that they've barricaded the town so no one can go to work.  Sadly this is at the Ireland location (we're still working in Wales!)...but seriously?!

* Word of the day = 'tidy': slang in Wales for "nice job" or "well done"