Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where do I walk?

It's relatively well know that here in the UK - cars drive on the left (same for Ireland and Australia). This is the opposite of the US - and raises the question: Do you also walk staying to the left?

There are mixed messages all over London regarding this issue. On the tube, signs are posted "please stay to the left" - which would lead one to assume that you walk as if you were driving with slower people staying far left. However - get on an escalator and you stay to the right with the left for passing.

Once on the street - well it's just mayhem people. There is quite obviously no expectation that I will stay to your left - though I find that staying to the right does not universally solve this issue. It's basically like navigating the Olympic Slalom with every venture out of doors.

Has anyone figured out this dilemma?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where am I living?!

The difference between the United Kingdom, England, Great Britain and the British Isles.

United Kingdom (UK) = England, Scotland, Wales, North Ireland
The official name of the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Brit
ain and Northern Ireland"

Great Britain (GB) = England, Scotland and Wales

British Isles = The UK + additional smaller islands that are technically not part of the UK

There doesn't seem to be a lot of sensitivity to these definitions and people throw around all of the names - but always good to know where you are!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

“When it's three o'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London.”

Well said ... by Bette Midler.

I thought I was prepared - I've traveled the world and been to London on multiple occasions. I figured I could easily handle picking up a life built in DC over 11 years and settle into jolly old London. But in many ways...1938 it is...or at least not the US ;-)

* Everyone must have a title, on all forms, at all times. When do you make the switch from Miss to Ms? (though at least the bank also gives you Baroness as an option)
* Don't even think about not wearing stockings...ever.
* Yes - the bowler hat is alive and well.
* Don't make a joke about royalty - reference my first note, if princess if given as an option for a title don't say "yup, that's why I came over here - to nab the other one"'s apparently not funny.

I's just going to keep getting better ;-)