Monday, May 28, 2012

Football & Spain

My friend Dan has been visiting for these past few weeks so apologies for the lack of posts.  I just left him in Barcelona this morning and he flies back to the states tomorrow (I can imagine he's not looking forward to returning to DC anymore than I wanted to head back to work this morning).

Last weekend in London, we went out for the big Chelsea vs Munich soccer final on Saturday - which was a very neat experience since I live in Chelsea so everyone was out rooting for the local team.  Oddly enough I even ran into a guy I went to high school with in Lexington!  It was very random - but quite funny.  We then went to see the Avengers on Sunday (great movie!) - I know you're thinking I'm a horrible tour guide to go see a movie - but he'd done the tourist thing all week while I was in Wales so it was great to relax on the weekend.

We just spent the weekend in Barcelona (his first time, my second trip) - and a city that I love. It was a great weekend of sunshine and we enjoyed some time on the beach making friends with anyone that spoke english as well as a catamaran cruise on Sunday.  For only 2 days it felt like an amazingly refreshing little tropical holiday!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

US Trip!

Some great photos from a wonderful week in the states :-)  So great catching up with family and friends from Boston to FL and rounding up in DC!

Day with Gram in Boston!
Sunset at the beach with Mom and Dad
Mia and I looking pretty hot at the Miriam's 100 Bowls Gala ;-)

Kelly and Ravyn outside enjoying the great spring weather in DC